What To Know About Accidents From Texting While Driving

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Were you hit by another driver that you suspect was texting while driving? If so, it is going to change how you approach your auto accident-related injury lawsuit. Here are a few things to know about what will be a bit different when filing your injury lawsuit

A Lawyer Can Identify The Signs Of Distracted Driving

What makes texting while driving accidents unique is the degree of damage that is caused by the responsible driver. This is because these cases involve a distracted driver that did not slow down at the time of the crash due to being distracted and looking at their phone. There may be little to no evidence of skid marks prior to getting into the accident, a bigger impact, and more damage caused to the vehicles. A lawyer that has worked with plenty of these cases will be able to help identify the signs that the other driver was distracted when they start working on your case.

A Lawyer Can Help Get Phone Records

One thing that you may not realize about a texting while driving accident case is that it may be possible for your lawyer to get the phone records of the person that hit you. Since you likely did not see the driver texting prior to them hitting you, the phone records can play a key role in proving that they were distracted at the time of the accident. It will take some time, but your lawyer's request for the driver's phone records can show exact times that they were sending and receiving text, which can help build the narrative that they were responsible for the accident. This can only be done by subpoenaing the records after a lawsuit has been filed. 

A Lawyer Can Help Prove Fault

Another way that your lawyer can help you is to help prove that the other driver was at fault in the accident. This may be crucial in states where drivers are not awarded any damages if they are found to be partially at fault or to avoid having your settlement reduced because you are told that you are partially at fault. If your lawyer is able to prove that the other driver was distracted by texting on their phone, it will do a great job at taking the blame off of you and putting it on them.

Reach out to a car accident lawyer if you suspect that the driver that caused the crash was texting while driving. 
