Birth Defect Law And Birth Injuries

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Tragically, after months of planning and excitement, many expectant mothers discover that their children were injured in some way. They might be suffering from a birth defect or they might have suffered a birth injury. If you want to seek compensation for what has been done to your child, it's important to know the difference between a birth defect and a birth injury and have a conversation with a birth defect lawyer. 

Birth Defects

A birth defect occurs when a child is in the womb. In some cases, a birth defect results from exposure to a particular type of drug or chemical. In other cases, the birth defect might be the result of a genetic disorder and your doctor may have failed to warn you of the potential risk.

Birth defects can include spina bifida, cleft palates, brain damage, limb abnormalities, and congenital heart disease. Some birth defects are beyond the control of your doctor but other birth defects could be prevented with proper monitoring and medical advice.

Birth Injuries

A birth injury occurs as you are giving birth. The hospital staff responsible for delivering your child might make a mistake that leads to the birth injury. For example, your child might have been injured due to an incorrect method of delivery. A common situation is when a medical staff member uses a forceps incorrectly. However, your doctor might argue that the injury would have occurred despite the best efforts of the hospital staff.

A common reason for a birth injury is when the hospital induces a premature birth when there is no medical reason to do so. The vacuum extraction procedure can cause an injury known as caput succedaneum when excessive pressure is applied to the baby's head. Your child might suffer from a birth fracture due to an improper delivery method. Some children suffer from Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy due to oxygen deprivation.

Responding to a Birth Injury or a Birth Defect

Regardless of whether your child has suffered from a birth injury or a birth defect, you will want to speak with a birth defect attorney as soon as possible. Much of the evidence that you'll need to prove your case will disappear if you do not gather it quickly. The hospital has an incentive to cover up why your child was injured. However, with the help of a competent birth defect attorney, you can identify the cause of the injury and pursue the compensation you deserve.

For more information, reach out to a birth defect attorney today.
